01/10/25: We welcome Racquel Caviedes as a new PhD student to the lab!
12/07/24: Daniel won the 2nd Place in Poster Competition at the 2024 Gulf Coast Polymer Conference in Hattiesburg, MS! Congrats!
12/07/24: Daniel, Sarah, Golam, Nash, and Pavel participated in the 2024 Gulf Coast Polymer Conference in Hattiesburg, MS
12/3-6/24: Alex participated in the Fall 2024 Cleveland Fulbright Scholar Enrichment Seminar in Cleveland, OH
11/20/24: Daniel, Sarah, and Golam presented their research projects at the 2024 UAB CAS Graduate Research Day in Birmingham, AL
11/14/24: Daniel Inman participated in 3rd Annual Joint Meeting of the Nashville, Memphis, and Kentucky lake Local Section of ACS at the University of Tennessee at Martin.
10/25/24: Kharlampieva's research group had a relaxing retreat at Vestavia Bowl
10/09/24: We welcome Jasmin Castillo, an undergraduate researcher (UAB Chemistry)
10/06/24: Daniel gave an oral presentation at NOBCChE conference in Orlando, FL about our reserach on multilayer coatings
10/06/24: Our group welcomes Nash Robinson, a UAB Chemistry PhD student!
10/06/24: Our paper "The effect of low temperature on poly(3-methyl-N-vinylcaprolactam)-b-poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone) diblock copolymer nanovesicles assembled from all-aqueous media" has been accepted for publication in Materials Advances!
09/23/24: Eugenia received U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Director's Award for Superior Accomplishment as PD at NSF! Congrats!
09/22/24: Our paper "Controlled synthesis and pH-responsive complexation of poly(methacrylic acid) polyampholytes" has been accepted for publication in Polymer Chemistry!
09/10/24: Our collaborative paper with Dr. Velu has been accepted to Dental Materials! Congratulations, Pavel, Sarah, and Veronika!
09/01/24: We welcome Dr. Aliaksandr Kraskouski, a Fulbright Visiting Scholar from Belarus!
08/28/24: We welcome Nash Robinson, a rotation PhD student in the Kharlampieva lab
08/24/24: Sarah Nealy won the 1st Place in the 3MT talk competition at the 2024 UAB Chemistry annual retreat! Congrats, Sarah!
08/24/24: Eugenia gave a talk at the 2024 UAB Chemistry annual retreat
08/24/24: Our group participated in the 2024 UAB Chemistry annual retreat and presented our group's research
08/21/24: Daniel received 2024 POLY ACS National Meeting Fall Graduate Student Travel Award! Congrats!
08/20/24: Daniel was selected for the Stimuli-Responsive Polymers as Functional Biomaterials Symposium Award (ACS POLY Division)! Congrats, Daniel!
08/20/24: Daniel gave an oral presentation at the ACS Fall 2024 meeting in Denver, CO
08/19/24: Dr. Nikishau gave a talk about pH-dependent behavior of of polyacid copolymer polyampholytes at the ACS Fall 2024 meeting in Denver, CO
08/18/24: Sarah, Golam, and Veronika presented their research at the ACS Fall 2024 meeting in Denver, CO
07/19/24: Dr. Nikishau participated in ACS Postdoc to Faculty Workshop in Philadelphia, PA
06/07/24: Our paper "Synthesis and pH-responsive properties of bacteria-mimicking hydrogel capsules" has been accepted for publication in RSC Applied Polymers (The Royal Society of Chemistry). Congrats!
05/29/24: Our group welcomes Lydia Kennemer, a Summer 2024 REU student!
05/01/24: Our lab welcomes Maria Rezvova, a new PhD student in the Kharlampieva research group!
04/15/24: Dr. Nikishau has been selected to participate in the ACS's Postdoc to Faculty workshop in Philadelphia, PA in July, 2024! Congrats!
04/15/24: Daniel Inman received Graduate Student Leadership in Mentoring Award from UAB Chemistry! Gongrats, Daniel!
04/15/24: Sarah Nealy received Innovations in Chemistry Instruction Award from UAB Chemistry! Congrats, Sarah!
04/05/24: Daniel Inman received 2024 Fall POLY Graduate Student Travel Award to present our research at the Fall 2024 ACS Meeting in Denver, CO!
03/20/24: Dr. Kozlovskaya presented our group work at the 2024 ACS Spring meeting in New Orleans, LA on teaching AFM for Polymer Chemistry students
03/18/24: Dr. Kozlovskaya gave a poster presentation at the 2024 ACS Spring meeting in New Orleans, LA about direct labeling of polymersomes for PET imaging
03/06/24: Dr. Kozlovskaya gave a poster presentation on controlling mechanical properties of multilayer hydrogels at at the 2024 Spring meeting of the American Physical Society in Minneanapolis, MN
03/06/24: Daniel presented his research on hydrogel microparticles at the 2024 Spring meeting of the American Physical Society in Minneanapolis, MN
03/05/24: Daniel and Dr. Nikishau participated in promoting the Poly Division at the 2024 Spring meeting of the American Physical Society in Minneanapolis, MN
03/05/24: Dr. Nikishau discussed our research on polyelectrolyte complexes at the 2024 Spring meeting of the American Physical Society in Minneanapolis, MN
02/23/24: Daniel presented his research on cubic hydrogel microparticles at the UAB Graduate student recruitment meeting in Birmingham, AL
02/23/24: Sarah presented her research on PLA microsponges for photocatalytic degradation at the UAB Graduate student recruitment meeting in Birmingham, AL
02/20/24: Sarah and Daniel have been inducted into Sigma Xi Scientific Honor Society! Congrats for this big achievement, Daniel and Sarah!
02/07/24: Dr. Pavel Nikishau received UAB Postdoctoral Travel Award to present our research at the APS Spring 2024 meeting in Minneapolis, MN! Congrats, Pasha!
01/04/24: Eugenia's NSF service is featured in UAB Reporter!
11/07/23: Dr. Pavel Nikishau received UAB 'Hardest Working Postdoc' Award from UAB Office of Postdoctoral Education! Congratulations, Pavel!
11/07/23: Dr. Pavel Nikishau presented his research at the UAB 20th Annual Postdoctoral Research Day at UAB, Birmingham, AL
10/11/23: Our paper "Multilayer Hydrogel Microcubes: Effects of Templating Particle Morphology on Cubic Hydrogel Properties" has been accepted for publication in Macromolecular Materials and Engineering (Wiley). Congrats!
10/10/23: Our paper published in Macromolecules is featured on the journal Cover!
10/10/23: Our paper published in Journal of Chemical Education is featured on the journal Cover!
09/10/23: Our paper "Controlling mechanical properties of poly(methacrylic acid) multilayer hydrogels via internal architecture" has been accepted for publication in Macromolecules (ACS). Congratulations!
09/08-09/10/23: Daniel participated in the ACS Bridge Career Conference in New Orleans, LA
09/07/23: Our paper "Atomic Force Microscopy for Teaching Polymer Crystals and Polymer Blends" has been accepted for publication in the ACS Journal of Chemical Education, Congrats!
06/30/23: Maksim defended his PhD thesis. Congrats, Maksim!
06/26/23: Daniel Inman has been accepted to the ACS Bridge Career Conference being held in New Orleans, LA in September. Congrats, Daniel!
06/23/23: Our study on hydrogel-encapsulated biofilm inhibitors is featured on the Front Cover of Journal of Medicinal Chemistry!
06/01/23: Our collaborative work 'Hydrogel-Encapsulated Biofilm Inhibitors Abrogate the Cariogenic Activity of Streptococcus mutans' has been accepted for publication in Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (ACS)!
06/01/23: Our invited paper 'Hydrogen-binded polymer multilayer coatings via dynamic layer-by-layer assembly' is featured on the Front Cover of Journal of Polymer Science (Wiley)!
05/29/23: Welcome, Taylor Brown, the Summer 2023 REU student!
05/24/23: Maksim is selected as a delegate for the 2023 Advocacy Training Program by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology! Congrats, Maksim!
04/30/23: Congratulations to Lynzi Hunter with her Master's degree!
04/19/23: Congratulations to Maksim Dolmat on his Outstanding International Student in Chemistry Award!
04/10/23: Our rsearch on tumor cell-targeting 89Zr-radiolabeled copolymer polymersomes is featured in UAB News!
04/10/23: Our research on 89Zr-radiolabeled block copolymer nanovesicles is featured on the supplementary cover of Biomacromolecules journal, Congrats!
03/12/23: Our paper "Direct Radiolabeling of Trastuzumab-Targeting Triblock Copolymer Vesicles with 89Zr for Positron Emission Tomography Imaging" has been accepted for publication in ACS Biomacromolecules Congratulations!
03/09/23: Maksim and Daniel presented their research at the Alabama Academy of Sciences 100th anniversary meeting in Birmingham, AL
02/09-11/23: Kyla Smith, our Summer 2022 REU student, won the 2nd Place Award at the Undergraduate Poster Presentations at the 2023 Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM in Washington, DC. Congrats, Kyla, Sarah and Daniel!
01/16/23: Our collaborative work with Hubert Tse's group has been accepted for publication in American Journal of Transplantation, Congratulations!
12/08/22: Our research has been featured in UAB Reporter - '3 UAB chemists break down their formulas for fighting cancer'!
11/17/22: UAB News: "Kharlampieva named recipient of the 2022 Ireland Award for Scholarly Distinction"
11/12/22: Kyla Smith, 2022 REU student, was recognized for her outstanding research presentation at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Students (ABRCMS) in Anaheim, CA. Congrats Sarah and Kyla!
11/11/22: Maksim Dolmat presented two research posters at Gordon Research Conference "Colloidal, Macromolecular and Polyelectrolyte Solutions" in Ventura, CA
10/18/22: Our paper "Hydrogen-bonded polymer multilayer coatings via dynamic layer-by-layer assembly" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Polymer Science. Congratulations!
09/14/22: Welcome, Golam Hossain, a new PhD Chemistry student!
09/13/22: Our work "Multivariate Polymer Laboratory on Synthesis of Alginate Hydrogel Beads and Analysis of Dye Loading and Release" has been featured on the supplementary cover of Journal of Chemical Education! Congrats!
08/21-23/22: Maksim gave three oral presentations at the ACS Fall meeting in Chicago, IL
08/21/22: Daniel presented his research at the ACS Fall meeting in Chicago, IL
08/12-13/22: Eugenia carried the UAB mace during the 2022 Summer graduate and undergraduate graduation ceremonies!
08/10/22: Maksim Dolmat was awarded with Recognition of Excellence for his leadership in Mentoring by the ACS Committee on Education, Congrats!
08/04/22: Our paper "Multivariate Polymer Laboratory on Synthesis of Alginate Hydrogel Beads and Analysis of Dye Loading and Release" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Chemical Education!
08/01/22: Eugenia has been appointed as an NSF Program Director at NSF DMREF (Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future, MPS/DMR)
07/28/22: Kyla Smith, a Summer 2022 REU student presented her research poster at the UAB Undergraduate Research EXPO, Birmingham, AL
07/18/22: Eugenia gave a Plenary Talk at the 2022 Summer Synposium of MS NanoBio and ImmunoEngineering Consortium, at the University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS
07/05/22: Our work "Two-dimensional and Three-dimensional Thin Multilayer Hydrogels Through Layer-by-Layer Assembly" has been featured on the Front journal cover of Langmuir!
06/01/22: Welcome, Kyla Smith, a Summer 2022 REU student!
05/31/22: Eugenia has been awarded the Caroline P. and Charles W. Ireland Prize for Scholarly Distinction from the UAB College of Arts and Sciences for 2022!
05/27/22: Our paper "2D and 3D Thin Multilayer Hydrogels Through Layer-by-layer Assembly" has been accepted for publication in Langmuir!
05/25/22: Our paper "Poly(N-vinylcaprolactam)-b-poly(dimethylsiloxane)-b-poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) polymersomes for controlled delivery" has been accepted for publication in Molecules!
05/24/22: Our work on copolymer polymersomes for delivery of PARP1 siRNA to breast cancers has been featered in UAB News!
05/06/22: Eugenia was named Distinguished Professor in the College of Arts and Sciences Department of Chemistry. Congratulations!
04/28/22: Claire Thomas received a 2022-23 Fulbright U.S. Student Award to Germany, Congratulations!
04/27/22: Eugenia gave a seminar talk at the Department of Chemistry, Texas Tech University
04/21/22: Claire Thomas received five Awards from UAB Chemistry! Congrats!
04/21/22: Maksim Dolmat received UAB Chemistry Excellence in Graduate Research Award! Congrats!
04/19/22: Our work on triblock copolymer vesicles for delivery of PARP1 siRNA to breast cancers has been featured on the journal cover of ACS Applied Bio Materials!
03/01/22: Our paper "Poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone)-block-poly(dimethylsiloxane)-block-poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone) Triblock Copolymer Polymersomes for Delivery of PARP1 siRNA to Breast Cancers" has been accepted for publication in ACS Applied Bio Materials!
11/12/21: Daniel gave a poster presentation on cubical hydrogel particles at SERMACS in Birmingham, AL
11/11/21: Maksim presented our research on free-standing hydrogels at SERMACS in Birmingham, AL
11/11/21: Eugenia gave a talk at SERMACS in Birmingham, AL
10/26/21: Our research on pH-Dependent shape recovery in cubical hydrogel capsules is featured on the journal cover of Macromolecules!
10/12/21: Our group welcomes a new PhD student, Sarah Nealy!
10/07/21: Our paper "Anisotropic Particles through Multilayer Assembly" has been accepted for publication in Macromolecular Bioscience!
09/29/21: Our group welcomes new PhD students, Olga Khaybullina and Kristina Gee, Welcome!
09/23/21: Our paper "Complete pH-Dependent Shape Recovery in Cubical Hydrogel Capsules after Large Deformations" has been accepted for publication in Macromolecules!
09/16/21: Eugenia gave a seminar at the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
08/22/21: Eugenia gave a talk at the ACS Fall 2021 meeting in Atlanta, GA
07/01/21: Our paper "Free-standing thin hydrogels: Effects of composition and pH-dependent hydration on mechanical properties" has been accepted for publication in ACS Applied Polymer Materials!
06/30/21: Our collaborative paper "Xenotransplantation of tannic acid-encapsulated neonatal porcine islets decreases proinflammatory innate immune responses" has been accepted for publication in Xenotransplantation!
05/19/21: Eugenia presented our research on responsive hydrogels for controlled delivery at the Bennett Symposium held at the Universtity of Southern Mississippi
05/10/21: Our paper "Temperature Controlled Transformations of Giant Unilamellar Vesicles of AmphiphilicTriblock Copolymers Synthesized via Microfluidic Mixing" has been accepted for publication in Applied Surface Science Advances!
04/30/21: Congratulations Maksim with Alabama Section ACS Outstanding Graduate Student Fellow Award!
04/30/21: Congratulations Yiming with Innovations in Graduate Research Award from UAB Chemistry!
04/26/21: Claire has been selected to become a RACE21 Research Scholar to conduct research in cancer biology at UAB! Congratulations!
04/21/21: Claire received Krannich Scholarship Award! Congratulations!
04/14/21: Our paper "Polymeric particulates of controlled rigidity for biomedical applications" has been accepted for publication in ACS Applied Polymer Materials!
03/30/21: Yiming has defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Yiming Yang!
01/20/21: Our research on microcapsules for PET imaging is featured in UAB News!
01/15/21: Eugenia gave a research web-presentation at Evonik, Birmingham AL
12/24/20: Our research on photocatalytic microsponges is featured in Chemical&Engineering News!
12/10/20: Our Group welcomes Daniel Inman, a PhD Chemistry student!
11/23/20: Our paper "Multilayer microcapsules with shell-chelated 89Zr for PET imaging and controlled delivery" has been accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces!
11/22/20: Eugenia was awarded with a Vebleo Fellow Award!
11/17/20: Eugenia was selected as Vebleo Fellow and delivered a keynote talk at Vebleo Webinar
11/06/20: Eugenia gave a seminar at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Mississippi State University
10/30/20: Maksim and Yiming presented their research at the UAB Chemistry annual retreat
10/22/20: Our collaborative work published in Diabetes is featured in UAB News!
10/19/20: Our paper "Photocatalytic Nanocomposite Micro-Sponges of Polylactide-Titania for Chemical Remediation in Water" has been accepted for publication in ACS Applied Polymer Materials!
10/06/20: Eugenia gave a talk at BIO Alabama 2020 virtual conference, Birmingham, AL
08/31/20: Our collaborative paper "Dampening antigen-specific T cell responses with antigens encapsulated in polyphenolic microcapsules" has been accepted for publication in ImmunoHorizons!
06/23/20: Our collaborative paper "Localized Immunosuppression with Tannic Acid Encapsulation Delays Islet Allograft and Autoimmune-mediated Rejection" has been accepted for publication in Diabetes!
06/23/20: Our supplementary Cover Art for "Architecture of Hydrated Multilayer Poly(methacrylic acid) Hydrogels: The Effect of Solution pH " has been published in ACS Applied Polymer Materials!
06/09/20: Our supplementary Cover Art for "Photo-Crosslinked Hydrogel Replication of Small Objects" has been published in Journal of Chemical Education!
06/08/20: Eugenia presented our research on hydrogel microparticles at 2020 ACS Colloids and Surface Science Meeting Webinar (Rice University, Houston, TX)
05/05/20: Our paper "Architecture of Hydrated Multilayer Poly(methacrylic acid) Hydrogels: Effect of Solution pH" has been accepted for publication to ACS Applied Polymer Materials!
04/30/20: Lynzi received Krannich Summer Scholarship to support her undergraduate research during Summer 2020. Congrats, Lynzi!
03/24/20: Eugenia gave a talk at the 2020 Spring ACS COLL virtual meeting
03/18/20: Congratulations to Nirzari with the successful defense of her PhD dissertation!
03/04/20: Congratulations to Will with the successful defense of his PhD dissertation!
02/24/20: Eugenia gave a talk at the 2020 Layered Polymeric Systems conference in Windsor, CA
02/10/20: Eugenia has been named a UAB College of Arts and Sciences Endowed Faculty Scholar. Congratulations!
02/03/20: Veronika presented her research poster at theGordon Research Conference on Colloidal, Macromolecular and Polyelectrolyte Solutions in Ventura, CA
01/17/20: Nirzari and Maksim presented their research at the 3rd Annual UAB Materials Science Student Research Symposium in Birmingham, AL
12/16/19: Our new Atomic Force Microscopy facility has been featured in the UAB News!
11/22/19: Eugenia gave a seminar at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, in Wilmington NC
11/18/19: Our spotlight paper "Self-assemblies of thermoresponsive poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) polymers for applications in biomedical field" has been accepted for publication to ACS Applied Polymer Materials!
10/21/19: Eugenia gave an invited presentation at the SERMACS 2019 in Savannah, GA
10/21/19: Veronika gave an oral presentation at the SERMACS 2019 in Savannah, GA
10/13/19: Eugenia presented our group research at the Soft Evolutionary Materials Symposium (SES2019) at the Washington University in St. Louis
09/19/19: Eugenia gave a research seminar at the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa
09/11/19: Our research paper "Temperature-responsive polymersomes of poly(3-methyl-N-vinylcaprolactam)-block-(poly(N-vinylpyrroidone) to decrease doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity" has been accepted for publication to Biomacromolecules! Congratulations!
09/05/19: Eugenia gave an invited talk at the NanoBio Summit 2019 in Atlanta, GA
08/09/19: Veronika gave a reserach talk at PAT2019 conference in College Station, TX
08/08/19: Eugenia gave an invited presentation at PAT2019 conference in College Station, TX
07/29/19: Our research paper "Shape recovery of spherical hydrogen-bonded multilayer capsules after osmotically induced deformation" has been accepted for publication to Langmuir! Congratulations!
07/08/19: Eugenia has been promoted to Full Professor, Congratulations!
06/24/19: Sithira successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations!
06/14/19: Our collaborative research has been featured on the Supplementary Cover of the ACS Applied Polymer Materials journal!
06/05/19: Eugenia gave a keynote talk at the 2019 ORNL Neutron Scattering User Meeting in Oak Ridge, TN
06/04/19: Veronika presented a poster at the 2019 ORNL Neutron Scattering User Meeting in Oak Ridge, TN
05/24/19: Tracy Joseph joins the lab for the REU 2019 Summer program. Welcome Tracy!
05/20/19: Our group has been featured in the UAB Magazine!
05/06/19: Eugenia has been appointed as Co-Director of the UAB Center for Nanoscale Materials and Biointegration
04/24/19: Our collaborative research paper "Carbohydrate sensing using water soluble poly(methacrylic acid)-co-3-(acrylamide)phenylboronic acid co-polymer" has been accepted for publication to ACS Applied Polymer Materials! Congratulations!
04/16/19: Congratulations to Racquel with her REU Summer 2019 Fellowship!
04/15/19: Congratulations to Will with the Excellence in Graduate Research Award from UAB Chemistry!
04/15/19: Congratulations to Motahareh, Nirzari, and Sithira with their Outstanding Chemistry Graduate Teaching Asisstant Awards from UAB Chemistry!
04/15/19: Congratulations to Nirzari with the UAB Graduate Student Leadership and Service Award!
04/02/19: Moti, Nick, and Veronika gave poster presentations at the ACS National Meeting in Orlando, FL
04/01/19: Aaron gave an oral presentation at the ACS National Meeting in Orlando, FL
03/31/19: Nirzari presented her research at the ACS NAtional Meeting in Orlando, FL
03/31/19: Eugenia gave an invited talk at the ACS National Meeting in Orlando, FL
03/18/19: Aaron gave his public final PhD presentation! Congratulations!
02/22/19: Our research paper "Effect of temperature and hydrophilic ratio on the structure of poly(N-vinylcaprolactam)-block-poly(dimethylsiloxane)-block-poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) polymersomes" has been accepted for publication to ACS Applied Polymer Materials! Congratulations!
02/14/19: Eugenia presented a seminar at the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa
02/13/19: Eugenia gave a talk at the ACS Student Chapter at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa
02/13/19: Eugenia received an NSF award. Congratualtions!
12/18/18: Our group welcomes Ashlynn Berry, a new undergraduate student. Welcome!
12/18/18: Congratulations to Eugenia and Team on a recently pulished paper "Neutron Scattering in the Biological Sciences: Progress and Prospects" in Acta Crystallographica D!
12/18/18: Our group welcomes Sargun Rohewal, a new PhD student. Welcome!
12/04/18: Drs Vohra, Kharlampieva, and Genau have won a Department of Education Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need federal grant to support doctoral students in the interdisciplinary materials science program
12/02/18: Our research article "Encapsulation and Ultrasound-Triggered Release of G-quadruplex DNA in Multilayer Hydrogel Microcapsules" has been accepted for publication to Polymers. Congratulations!
11/27/18: Our group welcomes Wade Bexley, a new undergraduate student researcher
11/10/18: Eugenia gave an invited talk at the 85th Annual meeting of the APS Southeastern at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, TN
10/26/18: Eugenia received 2018 UAB Faculty Innovation Award from the UAB Bill L. Harbert Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship! Congrats!
10/13/18: The group participated in the 2018 UAB Chemistry Retreat in Birmingham, AL
09/13/18: Our research paper "Ultrasound-Triggered Delivery of Anticancer Therapeutics from MRI-Visible Multilayer Microcapsules" has been featured on the Front Cover of Advanced Therapeutics (issue 1)
09/09/18: Our research paper "Multilayer Hydrogel Capsules of Interpenetrated Network for Encapsulation of Small Molecules" has been accepted for publication in Langmuir! Congrats to all!
09/07/18: Miranda presented a research poster at the 2018 Science and Technology Open House at the Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL
09/04/18: Our research paper "Peptide-functionalized hydrogel cubes for active tumor cell targeting" has been accepted for publication in Biomacromolecules! Congrats to all!
08/23/18: Veronika gave a talk at the ACS Fall2018 meeting in Boston, MA
08/21/18: Eugenia gave a talk at the ACS Fall2018 meeting in Boston, MA
08/13/18: Veronika presented research on polymersomes at the 2018 Gordon Research conference "Drug Carriers for Medicine and Biology" in West Dover, VT
08/13/18: Eugenia presented the research on ultrasound- and MRI-guided drug delivery systems at the 2018 Gordon Research conference "Drug Carriers for Medicine and Biology" in West Dover, VT
08/07/18: Eugenia and team received an NSF MRI grant. Congratualtions to all!
07/26/18: Jenna won the First Place in the Physical Science Category the REU-2018 Oral/Poster Presentation Competition! Congratulations Jenna, Aaron and Nirzari!
07/17/18: Eugenia gave a keynote talk at the 6th NanoBio Summit 2018 in Montgomery, AL
07/17/18: Veronika gave a poster presentation at the 6th NanoBio Summit 2018 in Montgomery, AL
06/25/18: Aaron gave a poster presentation at the 9th American Conference for Neutron Scattering in College Park, Maryland
06/06/18: Bing Xue had her successful PhD public defense. Congratulations!
06/01/18: The Group welcomes Jenna Gearhart, the 2018REU student from Waynesburg University
05/29/18: Our paper "Ultrasound-Triggered Delivery of Anticancer Therapeutics from MRI-Visible Multilayer Microcapsules" has been accepted for publication in Advanced Therapeutics! Congratulations!
05/11/18: Will Higgins's DOE Graduate Research Award is in the UAB News!
04/24/18: Aaron gave wonderful demonstrations on edible polymer wine gels at the 2018 Taste of Science Festival at Hop City Craft Beer and Wine in Birmingham, AL
04/20/18: Aaron Alford received the Innovations in Polymer Chemistry Instruction Award, Congratulations!
04/20/18: Nirzari Gupta received the Innovations in Organic Chemistry Instruction Award, Congratulations!
04/20/18: Sithira received the Outstanding General Chemistry Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, Congratulations!
04/11/18: Eugenia gave a presentation on Innovations in Drug Delivery for CH418 Medicinal Chemistry Guest Speaker Series at the Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, AL
04/09/18: Bing has been recognized as the Outstanding Doctoral Student in the Department of Chemistry during the 43d UAB Honors Convocation!
04/09/18: Will has received US DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research Award and will be doing experiments at the ORNL from June to December 2018. Congratulations, Will!
04/06/18: Nirzaris has been elected the President of Graduate Student Government (GSG) for the academic year 2018-19. Congratulations, Nirzari!
03/22/18: Will gave an oral presentation at the Spring ACS Meeting in New Orleans, LA
03/22/18: Aaron gave a research talk at the Spring ACS Meeting in New Orleans, LA
03/20/18: Yiming presented a poster and gave an oral presentation at the ACS Meeting in New Orleans, LA
03/16/18: Miranda received the UAB Graduate School's Individual Fellowship, Congratulations!
02/26/18: Our work on manganoporphyrin-polyphenol multilayer capsules is featured on the news of Oak Ridge National Lab!
02/12/18: Our research is featured by the NSF News!
02/08/18: Bing received The College of Arts And Sciences' 2018 Dean's Award! Congratulations!
01/30/18: Our Chemistry of Materials study is featured in the UAB News!
01/24/18: Congratulations to Brenna on her paper published in ACS Omega!
12/19/17: Our paper "Manganoporphyrin-Polyphenol Multilayer Capsules as Radical and ROS Scavengers" has been accepted for publication in Chemistry of Materials! Congratulations!
12/14/17: Sithira passed his ORP requirement, Congratulations!
12/11/17: Nirzari passed her ORP requirement! Congratulations!
11/13/17: Aaron presented his research at the 5th APTEC Annual Polymer Research Symposium, the University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS
11/13/17: Yiming presented his research at the 5th APTEC Annual Polymer Research Symposium, the University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS
11/06/17: Eugenia gave a keynote talk at SDPS 2017: Emerging Trends and Technologies in Convergence Solutions, Birmingham, AL
10/31/17: Brenna sucessfully passed her public PhD defense! Congratulations, Brenna!
10/24/17: Eugenia gave a guest lecture to the Graduate Biomedical Sciences Translational Cancer Research Class
10/14/17: The group participated in the 2017 UAB Chemistry Retreat in Talladega, AL
10/04/17: Veronika gave an oral presentation at the EMN Supramolecular Materials Meeting 2017 in Orlando, FL
10/03/17: Eugenia gave an invited talk at the EMN Supramolecular Materials Meeting 2017 in Orlando, FL
09/28/17: Our paper "Temperature-responsive nanogel multilayers of poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) for topical drug delivery" has been featured on the Front Cover of the Journal of Colloid Science and Interfaces!
09/19/17: Eugenia gave a talk at the UAB Postdoctoral Appreciation Week New Technologies Session
08/28/17: Eugenia was appointed as Director of the Chemistry Graduate Program. Congratulations!
08/28/17: Nick Mitchell joins the group as a PhD student. Welcome!
08/24/17: Bing gave an oral presentation at the ACS Meeting in Washington, DC
08/23/17: Eugenia gave a talk at the ACS meeting in Washington, DC
08/22/17: Miranda and Veronika presented their poster presentations at the ACS Meeting in Washington, DC
08/21/17: Our UAB MRI grant has been awarded by NSF. Congratualtions to all!
08/17/17: Motahareh Mohammadiroudbari, a new PhD student, joins the group, welcome!
08/09/17: Our collaborative work with Dr. Halade (Dept of Cardiovascular Desease) has been accepted for publication in Scientific Reports. Congratulations!
08/08/17: Lien Tran, an undergraduate researcher, joins the group. Welcome!
08/07/17: Maria Espinosa joins the UAB Chemistry PhD program and our Group. Welcome!
08/03/17: Eugenia gave a talk at the Liquids Reflectometry and Large Scale Structures ORNL Workshop, Oak Ridge, TN
07/21/17 Nicolas won the First Place in the Physical Science Category the REU-2017 Oral/Poster Presentation Competition! Congratulations Nicolas, Aaron and Sithira!
07/21/17: Our paper "Temperature-responsive nanogel multilayers of poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) for topical delivery" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Colloid & Interface Science! Congratulations!
07/12/17: Our paper "Polyphenolic polymersomes of temperature-sensitive poly(N-vinylcaprolactam)-block-(poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone) for anticancer therapy" has been accepted for publication in Biomacromolecules! Congratulations to Veronika, Fei, Bing, and Aaron!
07/01/17: Our research published in ACS Nano 2017 is featured in the National Science Foundation News!
06/29/17: Our Acta Biomaterialia paper is in the UAB News!
06/20/17: Aaron gave a talk at the LbL2017 conference in Seoul, Korea
06/19/17: Aaron gave a poster presentation at the LbL2017 conference in Seoul, Korea
06/05/17: Our paper "Highly efficient delivery of potent anticancer iminoquinone derivative by multilayer hydrogel cubes" has been accepted for publication in Acta Biomaterialia! Congratulations Bing and Veronika!
04/29/17: The Group congratulates Angeline Yu, M.S. and Fei Liu, Ph.D. with their achievements and celebrate their Commencement!
04/26/17: Eugenia gave a talk at the Department of Radiation Oncology, at the UAB
04/25/17: Our group welcomes Ms. Baili Lippold, a new undergraduate researcher
04/24/17: Our undergraduate researcher, Mr. Allen Mao was featured on the UAB News!
Congratulations to all our winners:
04/21/17: Bing received the Excellence in Graduate Research Award!
04/21/17: Aaron received the Outstanding Graduate Chemistry Student Award!
04/21/17: Brenna won the Innovations in Chemistry Instruction Award!
04/21/17: Sithira received the Outstanding General Chemistry Graduate Teaching Assistant Award!
04/21/17: Will received the Outstanding General Chemistry Graduate Teaching Assistant Award!
04/21/17: Nirzari received the Outstanding Organic Chemistry Graduate Teaching Assistant Award!
04/20/17: Eugenia gave a seminar at the Chemistry Department at the Clemson University, Clemson, SC
04/06/17: Brenna gave a talk at the 253d ACS Meeting in SanFrancisco, CA
04/05/17: Nirzari gave an oral presentation at the 253d ACS Meeting in SanFrancisco, CA
04/02/17: Brenna gave a poster presentation at the 253d ACS Meeting in SanFrancisco, CA
03/30/17: Our research on theranostic drug delivery vehicles was featured in the UAB News!
03/10/17: Eugenia gave a seminar at the Department of Chemistry at the Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
03/06/17: Our paper "Theranostic Multilayer Capsules for Ultrasound Imaging and Guided Drug Delivery" has been accepted for publication in ACS Nano! Congrats to Jun, Sithira, Aaron, Veronika, Fei and Bing!
03/03/17: Sithira won the 3d place among all oral presentations at at the 2017 Biomedical Engineering Research Symposium at UAB! Congratulations!
03/03/17: Sithira gave a poster presentation and a talk at the 2017 Biomedical Engineering Research Symposium at UAB
03/03/17: Nirzari and Will presented their research posters at the 2017 Biomedical Engineering Research Symposium at UAB
03/03/17: Fei Liu defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations, Fei!
03/02/17: Our collaborative paper with Dr. Tse (Microbiology Dept) "Islet encapsulation with polyphenol coatings decreases proinflammatory chemokine synthesis and T cell trafficking" has been accepted for publication in Biomaterials!
02/27/17: Eugenia received two grants from US Army CERL
02/13/17: Bing has been awarded the Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research! The Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Reserach program has a highly competitive application process and only approximately 15% of applicants receive the funding. Congratulations!
01/23/17: Listen to Eugenia's interview on the ACS Polymer Science monthly podcast series (ACS Publications) on shape-adaptable polymeric particles for controlled delivery
12/24/16: Congratulations to Nirzari with passing her PhD qualifying exam!
12/21/16: Our review article "Shaped stimuli-responsive hydrogel particles: Syntheses, properties and biological responses" has been featured on the Front Cover of the Journal of Materials Chemistry B!
12/09/16: Congratulations to Brenna with successful defending her ORP!
12/08/16: Our research is highlighted in the UAB News!
12/08/16: Congratulations to Bing with passing her ORP requirement!
11/22/16: Our Perspective Article has been featured on the Front Cover of Macromolecules!
11/17/16: Our review article "Shaped stimuli-responsive hydrogel particles: Syntheses, properties and biological responses" has been published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry B (Materials for Biology and Medicine)! Congratulations, Bing and Veronika!
11/04/16: Eugenia gave a talk at the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at the Jackson State University, Jackson, MS
11/03/16: Our Perspective article "Shape-Adaptable Polymeric Particles for Controlled Delivery" has been published in Macromolecules! Congratulations, Veronika and Bing!
10/27/16: Eugenia gave a seminar at the Center for Nanobiotechnology Research at the Alabama State University in Montgomery, AL
10/26/16: Congratulations to Miranda and Will with passing their qualifying exam.
10/14/16: The Group participated at the Department of Chemistry Annual Chemistry Retreat at the Hargis YMCA, Chelsea, AL. Students presented their research posters and talks
09/15/16: Eugenia vsisited the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the Georgia Southern University (Statesboro, GA) and talked about the grad school oppoprtunities at the UAB Chemistry Department and her research
09/05/16: Our paper "Stratified temperature-responsive multilayer hydrogels of poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone) and poly(N-vinylcaprolactam): Effect of hydrogel architecture on properties" has been accepted for publication in Macromolecules. Congratulations, Will, Veronika, and Aaron!
08/29/16: Our Group welcomes Yiming Yang, a new PhD student
08/27/16: Eugenia received the NSF Biomaterials Award! Congratulations!
08/24/16: Bing gave an oral presentation at the ACS meeting in Philadelphia, PA
08/24/16: Eugenia gave an oral presentation at the 2016 ACS Philadelphia National Meeting
08/23/16: Aaron gave a poster presentation at the ACS meeting in Philadelphia, PA
08/23/16: Miranda ia a winner of the PMSE Best Poster Award at the 2016 ACS Philadelphia National Meeting! Congratulations!
08/23/16: Miranda gave a poster presentation at the ACS meeting in Philadelphia, PA
08/23/16: Aaron gave a talk at the ACS meeting in Philadelphia, PA
08/23/16: Shahriar gave an oral presentation at the ACS meeting in Philadelphia, PA
08/22/16: Eugenia gave an invited talk at the ACS meeting in Philadelphia, PA
08/10/16: Eugenia and colleagues from University of Southern Mississippi have been awarded a NSF EPSCoR grant for water quality monitoring, Congratulations!
07/26/16: Nirzari successfully passed her literature seminar at the Chemistry Department
07/26/16: Our collaborative work with Prof.Vyazovkin's group has been accepted for publication in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Congratulations, Rachel and Jun!
07/21/16: Jacob won the 2nd place in the 2016 UAB Summer EXPO in Physical and Applied Sciences for his REU poster presentation! Congratulations, Ssithira and Jacob!
06/24/16: Shahriar Habib received a UAB Graduate School Travel Award to present his research at the ACS conference in Philadelphia, PA in August 2016, Congrtaulations!
06/24/16: Dr. Kharlampieva, Dr. Tse (Department of Microbiology) and Dr. Korbutt (University of Alberta) have been awarded a research grant from Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Congratulations!
05/31/16: Our Group welcomes Jacob Norman, a 2016-REU researcher for his research stay at UAB in Summer 2016!
05/05/16: Fei has been recognized with a 2016 Student Award from the American Institute of Chemists! Congratulations!
05/03/16: Eugenia gave a talk "Bioinspired Nano- and Microcapsules for Controlled Drug Delivery" at the Brown University, Providence, RI
04/30/16: Fei successfully gave his ORP presentation. Congratulations!
04/26/16: Aaron receives Innovations in Graduate Research Award! Congratulations!
04/26/16: Fei receives Outstanding Chemistry Graduate Student Award and Excellence in Graduate Research Award! Congratulations!
04/26/16: Aaron and Brenna receive Outstanding General Chemistry Graduate Teching Assistant Award! Congratulations!
04/23/16: Graham receives the Birmingham Racing Commission Scholarship! Congratulations!
04/15/16: Sophie won 2nd place in the UAB Undergraduate Research Expo in Physical and Applied Sciences Category for her poster presentation on alginate research. Congratulations!
04/14/16: Theron receives the NSF REU Summer Research Scholarship! Congratulations!
04/13/16: Graham receives the 2016 UAB President's Summer Research Scholarship! Congratulations!
04/02/16: Our Group welcomes Allen Mao, a new undergraduate researcher!
04/02/16: Our Group welcomes Sophie McVicar, a new undergraduate researcher!
04/01/16: Congratulations to Fei with the 2016 Outstanding Graduate Student (Doctoral) in the Departmet of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences Award!
04/01/16: Congratulations to Nick with the 2016 UAB College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Undergraduate Award!
03/05/16: Our Group welcomes Adarsh Patel, a new undergraduate researcher!
03/02/16: Our Group welcomes Case Key, a new undergraduate researcher!
03/01/16: Shahriar gave a seminar at the Chemistry Department, UAB
02/23/16: Miranda gave a seminar at the Chemistry Department, UAB
02/16/16: Aaron gave a seminar at the Chemistry Department, UAB
02/12/16: Our research is featured in the UAB News!
02/10/16: Fei presented a poster at the 2016 Gordon Research Conference "Colloidal, Macromolecular & Polyelectrolyte Solutions"
02/08/16: Eugenia gave an invited talk at the 2016 Gordon Research Conference "Colloidal, Macromolecular & Polyelectrolyte Solutions"
01/06/16: Bing successfully passed her qualifying exam!
01/04/16: Prof. Kharlampieva receives the 2016 UAB Graduate Dean’s Award for Excellence in Mentorship. Congratulations!
12/09/15: Our paper "Cubical Shape Enhances the Interaction of Layer-by-Layer Polymeric Particles with Breast Cancer Cell" was featured on the Front Cover of Advanced Healthcare Materials, 4(17), 2015!
12/02/15: The image from our paper "Cubical Shape Enhances the Interaction of Layer-by-Layer Polymeric PArticles with Breast Cancer Cell" (Adv. Healthcare Mater. 2015) won 2015 BioArt Competition held by FASEB (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology)!
11/30/15: Eugenia gave a seminar at the Materials Science and Engineering Department in the Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA)
11/12/15: Eugenia gave a seminar at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Mississippi (Oxford, MS)
11/10/15: Our paper "Temperature-sensitive polymersomes for controlled delivery of anticancer drugs" has been accepted for publication in Chemistry of Materials. Congratulations to Fei, Veronika, Srikanth and Bing!
11/10/15: Our Group welcomes Angeline Yu, a new PhD student!
11/07/15: Bing gave a talk at the Biomedical Materials and Sensors Session at the 67th Southeastern and 71st Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Memphis, TN
11/07/15: Fei gave an oral presentation at the Biomedical Materials and Sensors Session at the 67th Southeastern and 71st Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Memphis, TN
11/05/15: Our paper "Controlling Internal Organization of Multilayer Poly(methacrylic acid) Hydrogels with Polymer Molecular Weight" has been accepted for publication in Macromolecules. Congratulations to Veronika and Sasha!
11/04/15: Eugenia gave an invited talk at the 67th Southeastern and 71st Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Memphis, TN
10/29/15: Eugenia gave a seminar at the Department of Chemistry at Auburn University (Auburn AL)
10/16/15: Jun gave an oral presentation at the 3d NanoBio Summit in Birmingham, AL
10/15/15: Our Summer 2015 REU student Szu-Chun Chen won the First place in the undergraduate poster competition at the 3d NanoBio Summit in Birmingham, AL! Congratulations Szu and Fei!
10/15/15: Fei, Jun and Bing presented their work at the 3d NanoBio Summit in Birmingham, AL
10/14/15: The Kharlampieva Group welcomes Brenna Tucker, a PhD student
10/08/15: Our article "pH-Responsive Hydrogel Cubes for Release of Doxorubicin in Cancer Cells" has been selected as a Most Accessed Manuscript for the Emerging Investigators themed issue (2014) of the Journal of Materials Chemistry B. Congratulations!
09/01/15: Our collaborative review with Dr. Tse (Microbiology) and Dr. Hunter (Endocrinology) from the UAB Department of Medicine has been accepted for publication in Molecular Endocrinology. Congratulations to Veronika!
08/26/15: Our paper "Cubical Shape Enhances the Interaction of Layer-by-Layer Polymeric Particles with Breast Cancer Cells" has been accepted for publication in Advanced Healthcare Materials. Congratualtions Veronika and Jun!
08/25/15: Eugenia gave an invited talk "Neutron Scattering for Probing Intelligent Soft Matter" at DOE BES: Biology and Soft Matter Breakout Review Session, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Neutron Sciences Directorate.
08/22/15: The Kharlampieva Group welcomes Graham Christopher Dupont, a new undergraduate researcher
08/21/15: The Group participated in the UAB Chemistry Department Retreat held at the Riverchase Country Club in Birmingham, AL
08/18/15: Veronika gave a poster presentation at the 250th ACS meeting in Boston, MA
08/18/15: Eugenia gave a talk on pH-responsive hydrogel cubes for cancer therapy at the 250th ACS meeting in Boston, MA
08/17/15: Eugenia presented a talk on hydrogen-bonded polymer coatings as mediators of T cell immunity at the 250th ACS meeting in Boston, MA
08/04/15: Sasha has successfully passed her Ph.D. defense. Congratulations!
08/04/15: Our paper "Nanostructured highly-swollen hydrogels: Complexation with amino acids through copper (II) ions" has been accepted for publication in Polymer. Congratulations, Sasha and Veronika!
07/29/15: Eugenia is promoted to Associate Professor and receives tenure! Sincere thanks go to all her colleagues, collaborators and group members who have made this possible. Congratulations!
07/24/15: Szu-Chun Chen won the 3d place in UAB Research for Undergarduates EXPO competions for STEM (Life and Physical Sciences Session)! Congratulations Szu and Fei!
07/07/15: Our Group welcomes Nirzari Gupta, a new Ph.D. student!
06/03/15: Eugenia gave four science workshops at the Wiregrass Math, Science and Leadership Academy for Elementary School teachers held at Troy University on June 1-5, 2015 in Dothan, AL.
06/01/15: Our paper "Intracellular Degradable Hydrogel Cubes and Spheres for Anti-Cancer Drug Delivery" has been accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. Congratulations, Bing, Veronika, Fei, and Jun!
05/28/15: Our paper "Tuning Assembly and Enzymatic Degradation of Silk/Poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) Multilayers via Molecular weight and Hydrophobicity" has been accepted for publication in Soft Matter. Congratulations, Alejandra, Jun, Sasha, Veronika!
05/22/15: The Group welcomes Szu-Chun Chen, a Summer 2015 REU student, Welcome, Szu!
05/22/15: The Group welcomes Christopher Bovell, an undergraduate student. Welcome, Chris!
05/20/15: Aashlesha has been accepted to the undergraduate program at the Biomedical Engineering Department at UAB. Congratulations!
05/19/15: The Kharlampieva Group welcomes Theron Anderson, an undergraduate student. Welcome, Theron!
05/19/15: Eugenia was selected as the President of UAB chapter of Sigma Xi ! Congratulations!
04/16/15: Jun won the Outstanding Introductory Chemistry Graduate Teaching Assistant Award and the Outstanding Graduate Student in the Department of Chemistry Award! Congratulations, Jun!
04/16/15: Aaron received the 2014-2015 Outstanding General Chemistry Graduate Teaching Assistant Award! Congratulations, Aaron!
04/10/15: Fei gave an oral presentation at the 2015 H. Kenneth Dillon - Brian J. Carnahan Research Symposium of the Deep South Center for Occupational Health and Safety
04/02/15: Eugenia and Hubert Tse (Department of Microbiology) have been awarded a research grant from Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Congratulations!
03/31/15: Jun received the Graduate Student Dean's Award for outstanding academic accomplishments! Congratulations, Jun!
03/17/15: Eugenia gave a talk "Polymers in our life: from Plastics to Artificial Organs and Nanomaterials" at the Birmingham Science Cafe at McWane Science Center in Birmingham, AL
02/27/15: Eugenia gave an invited lecture "Polymer Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery and Cell Transplantation" at Haddin Arts and Sciences Forum at UAB
02/20/15: Eugenia gave a seminar "Polymer nanomaterials for biomedical applications" at the Department of Chemistry, at the University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
02/17/15: Our paper "Thermoresponsive micelles from double LCST-poly(3-methyl-N-vinylcaprolactam) block copolymers for cancer therapy" has been accepted for publication in ACS Macro Letters. Congratulations, Fei and Veronika!
02/12/15: Jun received the Outstanding Student Oral Presentation Award for her MRS 2014 presentation in Boston! Congratulations!
02/11/15: Our work "Hydrogen-bonded multilayers of tannic acid as mediators of T cell immunity" will be featured on Frontispiece of Advanced Healthcare Materials issue!
02/08/15: Eugenia gave an invited talk "Shape responses of ultrathin hydrogel microcapsules" at SPIE 2015 BiOS (Nano/Biophotonics) Conference in San-Francisco, CA
02/03/15: Eugenia was selected as a Faculty member at the UAB Graduate Biomedical Sciences program at the UAB School of Medicine (Biochemistry and Sructural Biology theme). Congratulations!
02/02/15: Our Group welcomes Danielle Pretorius, a new PhD student. Welcome, Danielle!
02/02/15: Eugenia gave a seminar "Nanoengineered polymer materials for drug delivery and cell transplantation" at the Sigma Xi Luncheon Meeting at UAB
01/06/15: Eugenia gave a talk "Bio-inspired polymeric nanomaterials for cell encapsulation and drug delivery" at the Microbiology Department, UAB
12/01/14: Jun gave an oral presentation at the 2014 Fall MRS meeting in Boston, MA
12/01/14: Sasha and Bing presented their posters at the 2014 Fall MRS meeting in Boston, MA
11/18/14: Our paper "Hydrogen-bonded multilayers of tannic acid as mediators of T cell immunity" has been accepted for publication in Advanced Healthcare Materials. Congratulations Veronika and Bing!
11/5/14: Our paper "Encapsulation of anticancer drug by hydrogen-bonded multilayers of tannic acid`" has been featured on the Back Cover of Soft Matter 10, 2014! Congratulations, Fei, Sasha, Veronika!
10/23/14: Eugenia gave an invited talk at the 2nd NanoBio Summit-2014 at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, AL
10/23/14: Sasha presented a poster at the 2nd NanoBio Summit-2014 at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, AL
10/13/14: Jun successfully passed her ORP requirement. Congratulations!
09/27/14: Eugenia gave a talk at a Summer Math and Science Camp at Troy University in Dothan, AL
09/23/14: Our paper "Encapsulation of anticancer drug by hydrogen-bonded multilayers of tannic acid`" has been accepted for publication in Soft Matter. Congratulations, Fei, Veronika, and Sasha!
09/04/14: Eugenia gave a talk "Polymeric Nanomaterials for Controlled Delivery" at UAB Comprehensive Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Autoimmunity Center
09/01/14: Our Group welcomes Miranda Trentle, a new Ph.D. student!
08/15/14: Fei successfully passed his qualifying exam. Congratulations!
08/08/14: Our paper "Temperature responsive properties of poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) multilayer hydrogels in the presence of Hofmeister anions" has been accepted for publication in Materials Research Express. Congratulations, Sasha, Veronika, Xing!
08/01/14: Simone was featured in the Student Spotlight for the School of Health Professions
07/31/14: Sasha was awarded a Research Fellowship from Department of Chemistry! Congratulations!
07/31/14: Sasha successfully completed her ORP requirement. Congratulations!
07/29/14: Our Group welcomes Srikanth Reddy Medipelli, a new Ph.D. student!
07/24/14: Thaige won a 2nd Place at the Summer 2014 UAB Expo in the category of Physical Science and Engineering! Congratulations to Thaige, Jun, Will, Alejandra and Veronika!
07/07/14: Eugenia gave an invited talk at the 1st International Conference on Cell Encapsulation at KAIST in Daejeon, Korea
07/01/14: Xing successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis! Congratulations!
06/24/14: Fei, Will, Alejandra, and Veronika made poster presentations at Layer-by-Layer Assemblies: Science and Technology Conference in Hoboken, NJ
06/24/14: Eugenia gave an invited talk at Layer-by-Layer Assemblies: Science and Technology Conference in Hoboken, NJ
06/23/14: Veronika gave an oral presentation at Layer-by-Layer Assemblies: Science and Technology Conference in Hoboken, NJ
06/17/14: Our Group welcomes Simone Ridgeway, a UAB Biotechnology Program Research Fellow for Summer 2014
06/16/14: Eugenia gave an invited talk at Neutrons in Structural Biology 2014 Symposium at Oak Ridge National Lab, TN
06/14/14: Our paper "Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Thermosensitive Double-hydrophilic Poly(N-vinylcaprolactam)-b-poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) Diblock Copolymers" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Plymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry. Congratulations, Xing, Veronika, Chris, and Yun!
06/10/14: Congratulations to Mark on his internship at Soluble Therapeutics (Birmingham, AL)
06/10/14: Our Group welcomes Shahriar Habib, a new PhD student, and Thaige Gompa, REU-2014 student
06/06/14: Eugenia and Veronika gave invited talks at Ultra-Small-Angle Scattering (USAS) 2014 Workshop at Oak Ridge National Lab, TN
05/21/14: Our paper "Internalization of Red Blood Cell-mimicking Hydrogel Capsules with pH-triggered Shape Responses" has been accepted for publication in ACS Nano. Congratulations!
05/08/14: Sasha and Fei presented posters at the 2nd Workshop on Thermal Analysis and Reology of Polymeric Materials held at UAB
04/17/14: Xing received the College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Congratulations!
04/14/14: Eugenia gave a talk "Shape-specific stimuli-responsive polymer particles: Effect of shape on cellular uptake"at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Utah
04/10/14: Our research on pH-responsive hydrogel cubes is featured on the Back Cover of the Journal of Materials Chemistry B!
04/10/14: Our research is featured in the news in UAB Reporter!
03/19/14: Eugenia gave a talk on regulating architecture of nanothin hydrogels at the 247th ACS meeting in Dallas, TX
03/18/14: Eugenia gave a talk on shape-specific stimuli-responsive hydrogel microcapsulesat the 247th ACS meeting in Dallas, TX
03/18/14: Veronika, Will, and Xing presented posters at the 247th ACS meeting in Dallas, TX
03/16/14: Sasha presented a poster at the 247th ACS meeting in Dallas, TX
03/16/14: Jun presented a poster at the 247th ACS meeting in Dallas, TX
03/16/14: Veronika presented a poster at the 257th ACS meeting in Dallas, TX
03/16/14: Xing presented a poster at the 247th ACS meeting in Dallas, TX
02/18/14: Eugenia gave a talk at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at UAB
02/18/14: Our review on Cytocompatibility of Functional Coatings Engineered at Cell Surfaces has been accepted for publication in the book entitled "Cell Surface Engineering: Fabrication of Nanocarrier Cells" (Royal Society of Chemistry, UK).
02/09/14: Our paper "pH-Responsive Hydrogel Cubes via Sequential Polymer Assembly: Synthesis and Release of Doxorubicin in Cancer Cells" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Chemistry B. Congratulations to Veronika, Jun, and Xing!
01/27/14: Fei presented a poster at the 2014 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference in Mobile, AL
01/20/14: Xing received Graduate Research Fellowship from Chemistry Department, Congratulations!
12/24/13: Eugenia received NSF CAREER Award! Congratulations!
12/23/13: Sasha passed her qualifying exam. Congratulations!
12/03/13: Veronika gave a talk at the session of Functional Polymer Gels at the MRS Fall 2013 meeting in Boston
12/02/13: Eugenia gave a talk at the session of Engineered Materials to Undersatnd and Control Cell Response to Biophysical and Biochemical Signals at the MRS Fall 2013 meeting in Boston
12/02/13: Veronika presented a poster at the symposium of Multiscale Materials in the Study and Treatment of Cancer at the MRS Fall 2013 meeting in Boston
12/02/13: Eugenia gave a talk at the session of Responsive Gels and Nanoparticles at the MRS Fall 2013 meeting in Boston
11/04/13: Sasha and Veronika completed experiments on neutron scattering at Oak Ridge National Lab (Oak Ridge, TN)
10/25/13: Eugenia gave a talk at the Department of Chemistry at the Tennessee Technological University
09/27/13: Eugenia gave a talk at Chemistry Department at the Mississippi State University
09/23/13: Our paper "Biocompatible shaped particles from dried multilayer polymer capsules" has been accepted for publication in Biomacromolecules. Congratulations to Jun and Veronika!
09/17/13: Eugenia gave a talk at the Materials Science and Engineering Dept, UAB
09/11/13: Eugenia received UAB CAS Interdisciplinary team grant. Congratulations!
09/11/13: Eugenia presented a talk at the session of Surface and interface sciences in biological and farmaceutical fields at the ACS meeting in Indianapolis
09/09/13 Eugenia gave a talk at Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry (at the session of Functional self-assembling molecular systems) at the ACS meeting in Indianapolis
09/06/13: Jun passed her qualifying exam. Congratulations!
09/04/13: Group welcomes Dr. Alejandra Espinosa
08/08/13: Our paper "Highly swellable ultrathin poly(4-vinylpyridine) multilayer hydrogels with pH-triggered surface wettability" has been accepted for buplication in Soft Matter. Congratulations to Yun and Veronika!
07/03/13: Fei won a research training grant from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Congratulations!
07/01/13: Yun passed her PhD Defense. Congratulations!
06/22/13: Eugenia received an NSF grant. Congratulations!
06/11/13: Group welcomes Kelcie Brown, a new undergraduate researcher!
06/01/13: Group welcomes Claudia Martinez-Lopez, REU-2013 student!
04/29/13: Yun received an Excellence in Graduate Research Award, Congratulations!
04/26/13: Stephanie won 2d place in a poster competition at 2013 UAB EXPO! Congratulations!
04/04/13: Xing gave a talk on his research at the MRS 2013 Spring meeting in San-Francisco, CA
04/03/13: Yun, Xing, and Veronika presented their research at poster sessions at the MRS 2013 Spring meeting in San-Francisco, CA
04/02/13: Veronika and Eugenia gave oral presentations at the MRS 2013 Spring meeting in San-Francisco, CA
03/18/13 - 03/21/13: Sasha, Veronika, and Eugenia performed neutron reflectivity experiments at ORNL in Oak Ridge, TN
03/14/13: Sasha gave a literature seminar at Chemistry Department
03/08/13: Eugenia gave an invited talk at the IBE-2013 conference in Raleigh, NC
02/28/13: Sasha and Fei presented their work at UAB 2013 Graduate Student Research Days
02/27/13: Xing, Jun, and Yun presented their research at UAB 2013 Graduate Student Research Days
02/23/13: Jennifer, Will, and Allison presented their research at the 33nd Annual Undergraduate Research Conference in Memphis, Tennessee on Feb, 23, 2013!
02/19/13: Our paper "Tailoring architecture of nanothin hydrogels: Effect of layering on pH-triggered swelling" has been accepted to ACS Macro Letters! Congratulations to Veronika, Sasha, and Yun!
02/15/13: Will has been accepted to Chemistry Ph.D program. Congratulations, Will!
01/15/13: Group welcomes Bing Xue, a new PhD student!
11/15/12: Eugenia and Veronika gave research talks at the SERMACS-2012 in Raleigh, North Carolina
11/15/12: Sasha and Veronika presented their research posters at the SERMACS-2012 in Raleigh, North Carolina
10/18/12: Sasha, Jun, and Fei presented their research posters at the meeting of the Alabama section of the ACS in the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, AL
09/11/12: Our paper "Thermosensitive multilayer hydrogels of poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) as nanothin films and shaped capsules" has been accepted for publication in Chemistry of Materials! Congratulations, Xing, Veronika, Yi, and Sasha!
09/01/12: Eugenia has been appointed as Associate Scientist in the Experimental Therapeutics Program in the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center
08/21/12: Eugenia gave an oral presentation on hydrogen-bonded multilayer films and shaped capsules of silk fibroin at the 244d American Chemical Society meeting in Philadelphia, PA
08/20/12: Jun presented our work at Colloid and Surface Chemistry poster session at the 244d American Chemical Society meeting in Philadelphia, PA
08/20/12: Veronika gave a poster presentation at the 244d American Chemical Society meeting in Philadelphia, PA
08/20/12: Chrysanty presented two posters at the 244d American Chemical Society meeting in Philadelphia, PA
07/26/12: Zac received "Honorable Mention" in Physical Science and Engineering Poster Session at the UAB 2012 Summer Research Expo! Congratulations to Zac and Xing!
07/25/12: Our paper "pH-Triggered shape response of cubical ultrathin hydrogel capsules" has been accepted for publication in Soft Matter! Congratulations, Veronika, Yun, Will, Jun, and Yi!
06/27/12: Congratulations to Jun and Yi with their successful completion of the literature seminar requirement!
05/01/12: Veronika gave a poster presentation
encapsulation strategies to protect from immune injury during transplantation
04/24/12: Our work on photocatalytic nanocomposite microsponges has been featured in the UAB News!
04/23/12: Our undergraduate researchers, Jennifer and Stephanie, presented their work at the 5th Annual UAB Expo: an Exposition of Undergraduate Scholarship on April, 20!
04/09/12: Sasha and Will successfully completed neutron scattering experiments at Oak Ridge National Lab, (Oak Ridge, TN)
04/05/12: Our paper "Ultrathin polymeric coatings based on hydrogen-bonded polyphenol for protection of pancreatic islet cells" has been accepted for publication in Advanced Functional Materials! Congratulations!
03/13/12: Eugenia gave a presentation at CAS Interdisciplinary Innovation Forum 'Innovations in Drug Delivery' (UAB)
03/12/12: Eugenia gave a seminar "Nano-engineered coatings and capsules of bio-mimetic polymers for delivery" at the Southern Research Institute, Drug Discovery Division, Birmingham, AL
02/29/12: Eugenia gave a talk “Encapsulating tissue to protect from immune injury” at the UAB Symposium in Transplant Immunology 'New Insights into Allograft Injury: The Role of Innate Immunity in Solid Organ Transplantation'.
02/25/12: Stephanie has received an Outstanding Research Presentation Award at the 32nd Undergraduate Research Conference in Memphis, TN! Congratulations!
02/24/12: Our work "Hydrogen-Bonded Multilayers of Silk Fibroin: From Coatings to Cell-Mimicking Shaped Microcontainers" has been just published and is now available on the ACS Macro Letters website. Congratulations!
02/24/12: Our undergraduate students, Shawn, Jennifer, Will, and Stefanie will be presenting their research at the 32nd Annual Undergraduate Research Conference in Memphis, Tennessee on Feb, 25. Good Luck!
02/8-02/9/12: Xing presented a poster on photocatalitically active PLA particles at the Gordon Reserach conference on Colloidal, Macromolecular and Polyelectrolyte Solutions in Ventura, CA
02/6-02/7/12: Eugenia presented our work on non-ionic assemblies of biological molecules at the Gordon Reserach conference in Ventura, CA
01/26/12: Eugenia presented our work on nanostructured biohybrid coatings and capsules at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa
12/22/11: The Group welcomes Fei Liu, a PhD student (China Pharmaceutical University)
12/20/11: Congratulations to Xing with his successful completion of the literature seminar requirement!
11/27/11: Sasha, Yun, and Veronika successfully completed neutron experiments at Oak Ridge National Lab
11/14/11: Eugenia presented our work on protein-containing polyelectrolyte matrices at ORNL Neutron Scattering Users Meeting (ONSUM 2011)
11/10/11: Our new Attension Theta Lite optical tensiometer has been installed
11/01/11: Dr. Chrysanty Tedjo Welcome to the Group!
10/19/11: Eugenia presented our work at the 6th International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nano-Structured Materials at "Nano-Polymers" session in Krakow, Poland!
10/19/11: Congratulations to Will, Jun, and Veronika - our work on shape switchable hollow microcontainers has been presented at the 6th NANOSMAT in Krakow, Poland!
09/06/11: Eugenia gave a keynote talk at International Conference on Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs, Pharma-2011 in Baltimore, MD
09/01/11: Stephanie Arana, a new undergraduate student, welcome to the group!
09/01/11: Allison Goins, a new undergraduate student, welcome to the group!
09/01/11: Yun Wang, a new Ph.D. student, welcome to the group!
08/29/11: Eugenia gave a talk at the Symposium on Polyelectrolyte Complexes and Multilayers at the 242d American Chemical Society meeting in Denver, Colorado